is the Internet division of Televisa Group; it offers the most complete content in news, sports, entertainment, women, health and kids, plus interactive services for the users who create the most important Internet community in Mexico. uses the latest technologies and offers the best content in its sections (Sports, Soccer, Entertainment, News, Kids, Women and Health), it has specials sites of celebrities, TV programs and Soap operas. offers a lot of services for its users, such as on line shopping, chat with celebrities, e mail, promotions, photo galleries, video galleries, jobs, classified and more.
Some of the advantages of the site are the content, credibility, and quality of Televisa Group.
In just few years, has become the best web site in Mexico.
We have the biggest archive of graphic material about entertainment in Mexico, and a very important catalogue of sports, news, kids, and more.
Since the beginning of, its quality, honesty and contents put it as one of the best web sites in the world.
